Cybersecurity Landscape 2021 Outlook and risks to 2021 from the point of view of a hacker
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the Digital Transformation in a way that no one expected. Julien Ahrens, hackers at Hackerone assumes that companies will be faced with a dramatic increase in the number of attacks.
The arrangement: Hackerone provides a platform to companies and ethical hackers, White Hacker Has to connect to. It is important to recognize IT-vulnerabilities in systems at an early stage and to report to the company so they can fix the security vulnerabilities. The goal is to avoid an attack by cyber criminals, the potentially high financial damage, and more can cause. Ahrens assumes that future cyber attacks, especially against those who have just started with the digitization. A fact that troubled him, in Germany particularly, the enormous speed with the state institutions, such as schools, all of the data online.
Activities such as Homeschooling, which did not exist before the Corona pandemic, basically, are now the Standard for many schools. They had systems and processes with very little time, digital and build. Basically, this is of course good for the future, but it also takes time, if it comes to IT security. To him, it is not only about the technical deficiencies that occur and lead to safety issues, but he also refers to the safety awareness of the teaching staff and the students.
“All kinds of attacks will increase in 2021, as more and more companies are going online,” says Ahrens. He believes, however, that a certain type of cyber attack is back in focus, even exponentially increase even more than the purely technical attacks. It comes to “Social Engineering”. Social Engineering attacks are not directed against people who are not adequately protected and aware, because the company had sufficient time to their employees about the threat to educate.
In terms of working with hackers Julien Ahrens is certain that the attitude towards the Use of ethically motivated hackers will be affected as a further guarantee of IT security, more positive. In his opinion, it is the logical consequence is that, if companies need to shift a larger part of its activities to the Internet, thus the need for security increases accordingly.
Due to the growing awareness, especially in the media, companies are becoming more and more aware of the fact, what is the advantage of hackers, organizations can provide. Namely, the hackers discover security vulnerabilities and of the company to be paid, so that they can eliminate the vulnerabilities before criminals can the attacker do this.
About the authors
Julian Ahrens working with Hackerone, a security platform for ethical hackers, White hackers together,. Both share a common goal of companies will ask about your IT infrastructure-weak informed to fix this before it can be discovered by cyber-criminals and used.
Marten Mickos the CEO is in Hackerone.